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Arok Dut Arok’s Inaugural Speech on 8th July 2023 As The TEYA Chairperson.

It is with great humility and a deep sense of responsibility, that I stand before you as your elected TEYA Chairman today. Together, we have triumphed in a competitive election process, and now we embark on a new chapter of our shared journey.

The theme we have chosen for this inauguration is "Speak Less and Do More: Let's Get Down to Work." This theme embodies our commitment to action, progress, and achieving tangible results. It reminds us that words alone are not enough; it is our deeds that will shape our future.

We have adopted the slogan "Stronger Together," recognizing that our collective strength lies in unity and collaboration. In this spirit, we shall face the challenges that confront us head-on, with determination and a resolve to bring about positive change.

I am acutely aware of the difficulties faced by our beloved Twic East Community, particularly our youth. We understand the devastating impact of floods on our homeland, the persistent issue of food insecurity, the concerns of insecurity, and the need for skill development to create sustainable livelihoods.

To address these challenges, my administration will prioritize empowering our youth through vocational training. We believe that by equipping our young generation with the necessary skills, we can provide them with greater opportunities for a brighter future. We will invest in sports such as basketball and football, recognizing the positive impact they have on the physical and mental well-being of our youth.
Furthermore, we hold our Twic East heritage and culture with immense pride. It is through celebrating our rich traditions that we strengthen our unity and purpose. As part of our commitment to promoting our cultures and values, we will organize an annual Twic East Festival. This festival will serve as a platform to showcase our diverse cultures, foster a sense of unity, and demonstrate our collective identity.

However, our success will not be achieved by the efforts of the administration alone. It requires the active participation and support of each and every member of our community. Let us come together as one, with a shared determination to overcome obstacles and create a prosperous future for all.
As we embark on this journey, let us remember that actions speak louder than words. Let us uphold the values of integrity, accountability, and transparency. Through our collective efforts, we can make Twic East a beacon of progress and prosperity.

In closing, I express my gratitude for the trust and confidence you have placed in me and my administration. Together, let us embrace the theme of "Speak Less and Do More: Let's Get Down to Work." By working tirelessly, supporting one another, and remaining steadfast in our commitment to the community, we shall build a better future for Twic East.
Thank you, and may our united efforts bring forth a new era of success and fulfillment.

God bless you all, and God bless Twic East Community.

Mr.Arok Dut Arok
Juba,South Sudan.

Statement Delivered by Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau, Former Minister of Finance and Planning, at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Newly elected Executive Committee of Twic East Youth Association (TEYA) in Juba, on July, 8th, 2023

Hon. Senior Government Officials, present here, Hon. Gen. Atem Marol Biar, Patron of the Day,  Hon. Dhieu Chol Arok, Chairperson of the IEC,  Hon. Arok Dut Arok, Chairperson of the TEYA, and his Team,  Hon. Members of The TEYA General Assembly,  Distinguished Guests,  Ladies and Gentlemen,

(1) Let me start by expressing my sincere gratitude for being invited as a guest of honor to preside over the TEYA leadership-elect's handover ceremony. In a similar manner, I want to commend the TEYA-IEC for organizing an election that was free, democratic, and transparent for the young people of Twice East County. It is deserving of praise that we can exercise our freedom of choice with such consistency.

(2) This election should serve as a lesson to all of us about how to safeguard South Sudan's peace, unity, and prosperity thru advocacy and understanding of the significance of democratic transfer of power and the freedom of choice. The procedure has attracted considerable interest from many observers locally, regionally, and worldwide and has been reported by local and foreign press.

(3) Allow me to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to the TEYA for choosing to elect leaders and entrust them with safeguarding the prosperity of the area and South Sudan at large. You represent a unique generation of young leaders who, in collaboration with the rest of society's players, are working to accomplish the goal of a peaceful and just society. This great day is one you deserve, so I'm happy to spend it with you.

(4) The fact that the TEYA election occurs as South Sudan prepares for historic national elections in 2024 proves that it is really relevant. Additionally, it intends to increase young people's awareness of their responsibilities for maintaining peace during the next election and to encourage conversation about these issues. I have faith that this program will open a new chapter in ensuring that the youth take their proper place in supporting the goal of a stable and secure South Sudan.

(5) Many South Sudanese, including myself, believe that the Twic East community is among the most patriotic, wise, clever, kind, loveable, educated, and articulate. The reason for this is not because the Twic East sub-sections of Kongor, Ajoung, Nyuak, Lith, and Pakeer produced great leaders like Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Cdr. Arok Thon Arok, veteran politician Akuot Atem de Mayen, Cdr. Chagai Atem Biar, Cdr. Elijah Malok Aleng, veteran journalist Enoch Mading de Garang, and many others, both dead and alive. Because of its highly intellectual and serious nature, your society has been at the forefront of acknowledging the cries of the people of South Sudan, demanding their legitimate national ambitions for liberty, equality, and prosperity.

(6) In addition to that, the esteem for your community resulted from the fact that Twic East population have persevered in their fight for South Sudanese independence from Anya-Nya One to the time of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army - (SPLM/SPLA) struggle, fighting for human dignity, democracy, peace, and communal harmony. As a result, the Twic East area has been defending the core social and cultural standards, and the men and women in your community have demonstrated to us how dedicated they are to enacting change with their fellow citizens of South Sudan and the entire Sudan. I want to pay tribute to their unwavering dedication to sustaining the sense of patriotism and inspiration they have given to others.

Ladies and Gentlemen
(7) Today, our country's youth are its heart and soul, acting as its driving force. Our nation will preserve its greatest legacy because of its youthful people, which will also support it in reaching new heights of growth, because they are the major stakeholders whose present and future the nation is most concerned with. Truly, I feel that combining young people's efforts can assist cut our problems at their roots, before they grow into young people shooting weapons at themselves.

(8) South Sudan's future as a peaceful, democratic, and successful country depends heavily on the participation of its youth. In order to achieve this goal, young people must put in a lot of effort, be steadfastly devoted to their responsibilities, be disciplined, and respect the law and the rule of law. I urge our young people to create, whether or not they have a place at the table. Create fresh concepts consistently. In addition, I would want to suggest that relevant government organizations identify, empower, and mentor young people so that they can assist one another and their communities while also being encouraged to be creative and innovative.

(9) We believe that the interaction between young and old is critical to finding solutions to society's current problems, including those related to economic difficulties, communal violence, and youth unemployment, and we can also create solutions if leaders and young people work together. We, as leaders, can observe how young people may inspire innovation, creativity, and dedication in a variety of disciplines, such as gender equality, education, and skill development.

(10) As we acknowledge the socioeconomic challenges, however, are too great for young people to combat alone, to ensure their inclusion and ability, they need allies. In order to address these issues impacting our young people, I implore all parties involved to work together. Not as some people think that since government is in charge, they should take care of the socioeconomic issues, alone, but we can come up with answers if elders and young people work together.

(11) We welcome the recent choice made by our youth to reorganize and educate themselves in the country, in an effort to combat the nation's current social and economic challenges. I observe a rise of youth pursuing employment in service careers in the hospitality and leisure sector, public transportation, and drinking water delivery. We believe that these choices were made in response to the immediate needs of the people involved as well as the needs of our entire nation, and that it will serve as a catalyst for improvement in living conditions for citizens. Additionally, there are other opportunities for young people to work in the agriculture industry, raising animals and growing crops, it would be a good remedy for the dominance of non-local goods and services on the market.

Ladies and gentleman 
(12) The younger generation in South Sudan represents a great resource, but because there is shortage of jobs for youth, they're not properly utilized. Let's fight to bring about peace since intercommunal conflict is robbing our youth and the nation's future. Let us invest in this current generation and encourage fair and balanced growth and opportunities in our nation, by carefully directing this energy, this country can succeed to great heights and win admiration for their achievements. We should work hard, to scale up the most promising microprojects and a just society because sustainability is crucial at this point.

(13) H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his administration are aware that the geopolitical situation in our region and the global financial crisis have a significant impact on the economy of our country, despite the fact that unemployment is a problem that is getting worse on a worldwide scale. The financial situation of young people and the high youth unemployment rate in this country are signs of more significant economic problems. The government is trying to put in place important pillars and remedies to address these crises, such as youth political and civic engagement, economic empowerment policies, and youth education and skill development through higher education institutions and technical training centers.

(14) As part of the global approach to development, We, South Sudanese, must keep an eye on how well national policies and programs are achieving the objective of utilizing the potential and skills of young people as decision-makers, civil society groups, and developmental partners. In order to ensure that everyone has access to opportunities for lifelong learning, the UN´s fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) which focuses on quality education, calls for organizations and governments to provide inclusive and equitable quality education. This is done to give young people the skills and knowledge required for the job market. It is aligned with our country´s revised development strategy (2012 – 2024), which also calls for delivering high-quality education to achieve long-term growth and success.

(15) Finally, I want to leave you with a few questions that all of us in attendance today must work to resolve: How can we create a brighter future when we view things from the perspective of youth? How can we help young people become more independent? How do we guarantee that everyone has access to equal chances and that all young people have an equal opportunity of excelling and participating in the economy? What current policy measures can we use to solve the problem of youth unemployment today? What can we take away from the trying times we shared during the past days of the liberation struggle? How may we improve upon this trial period for the years to come?

(16) In conclusion, it is an important for young South Sudanese leaders who have recently been elected, as well as their associations and other youth organizations in various communities, must keep in mind their responsibility for upholding national unity and communal harmony. Let me finish by quoting Dr. John Garang de Mabior before I leave you: "Our struggle for dignity, freedom, democracy, and good governance...our struggle for justice and equality for all, regardless of their tribe, ethnic group, race, religion, or gender, are indications that nobody is anyone's majority, and nobody is anybody's minority."

Thank you so much

Democracy At Display By Twic East Youth Association (TEYA) 2023.

I wish to salute and congratulate the entire executive members of the Independent Electrol Committee (IEC) 2023 under Ustaz Dhieu Chol Arok for the commendable conduct of TEYA’S elections and successful enthronement of the new executive.

You have not only demonstrated capabilities and high standard of societal organization, but you have shown the world how Twic East Community in South Sudan promotes democracy and respect to human rights.

I am equally grateful for the wise counsel that distinguished members of Twic East Community and friends globally accorded to the IEC while executing their mandate to ascertain a free and fair elections of TEYA and systematic transition.

“The tree is known by its fruits” Twic East Youth Association leadership is a true manifestation of the values of the mother Community and of the historical records of that geographical area which have produced dignified leaders and have continued to develop many more. Chairperson Arok Dut Arok Dut and his Cabinet are testimonies as exhibited by their individual potentials.

Respect to organization and system is a wealth and an asset to a country. The three former candidates to the position of Chairmanship of TEYA have Honorably conceded and voluntarily reiterated their commitment and solidarity to build TEYA together under Mr. Arok as the elected Chairperson.

Thank you for being exemplary in keeping peace and harmony among our communities following the outcome of the election results and irrespective of our divergence in views. Thank you for showing reliable leadership by talking to your supporters to accept one Chairperson at a time as the laws stipulate. Indeed, South Sudan has an opportunity to draw significant democratic lessons from Twic East Community and from TEYA in particular as we prepare for the National elections come December 2024.

I finally would like to appreciate the noble gesture by the leadership of IEC to have offered me an opportunity to express my gratitude during the auspicious occasion. I felt humble and welcomed by Twic East Community. Republic of South Sudan demands such values of oneness, togetherness and unconditional love towards each other regardless of ethnicity, regionalism, status and creed.

Let our 64 tribes freely interact with tolerance and together we will make South Sudan a peaceful and prosperous Nation. I call upon Chairperson Mr. Arok to deliver to his promises and implement his party”s manifesto. Leadership is about deliverables and accountability. God bless South Sudan.

Hon. Juma David Augustine
Photo: Eye Radio

The youth of Twic East did their elections on the date of 18th June 2023 that led to the victory of Arok Dut Arok as the incoming chairperson.

After the outgoing leadership of Garang Atem Ayiik and his Deputy Yaak Dau (John Ahoom) called the General Assembly to announce the formation of Independent Electoral Commission, the four candidates of Deng Kuir Bul (Junior), Dut Atem Malek, Khot Dut Goch and Arok Dut Arok declared themselves for the position of Chairperson. The TEYA constitution allows the formation of alliances and therefore; each candidate was constituted to form his cabinets.

This brought up one of the biggest competitions ever seen in the TEYA race for leadership. Over the campaign days, the candidates were mobilizing quite a good number of supporters in their respective camps. Deng Kuir was the flag bearer of Twic East Forward (TEF), Dut Atem led the Twic East Alliance for Development (TEAD), Khot Dut was the flag bearer of Twic East Angaar (TEA) and Arok Dut was the Flag bearer of Twic East Youth Solidarity Alliance (TEYSA).

The enormous campaign was democratic and peaceful. The leaders expressed their visions for Twic East Youth Association and how best they can make TEYA great over their term. Many observers from different communities in South Sudan followed the campaign physically and virtually.

Lastly, the election was conducted and the results have put Arok Dut Arok as the favorite to lead TEYA from 2023 – 2025. It was indeed competitive, his closest competitor Deng Kuir Bul (Junior) was 21 votes down the margin. This was a “never-seen” difference in the history of TEYA elections in Juba.


Deng Junior William 18 June 2023

Congratulations to Arok Dut Arok, the TEYA Chairperson-elect 2023 – 2025. Wishing him good luck during his term.

Abraham Dut Atem 18 June 2023

Congratulations to the Chairperson-elect 2023 – 2025 Arok Dut Arok, we wish him the best of his ability during the term.

Isaac Khot Dut 18 June 2023

Congratulations to Arok Dut Arok, the TEYA Chairperson-elect 2023 – 2025. Wishing him the best as he executes his term.

Garang Atem Ayiik 18 June 2023

Congratulations to the Chairperson-elect 2023 – 2025 Arok Dut Arok, I wish him good luck during his term in this great office of TEYA.

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