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TEYA-Juba Visits Mangalla for Health Education on Menstrual Hygiene & Distribution of Sanitary Towels on 2nd September 2023.

The TEYA-Juba in partnership with Rotary Club of Juba Airport made menstrual education in Mangalla and distributed reusable sanitary towels, soaps and gumboots for farmers safety.

The team of Experts on Health Education on Menstrual Hygiene has undertaken a commendable initiative in Mangalla IDPs Camp. Their objective is to distribute essential items such as sanitary pads, and soaps to the ladies and young women in the area. This humanitarian effort was organized by the Twic East Youth Association (TEYA) in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Juba Airport.

The team was led by Hon. Arok Dut Arok, the chairperson of TEYA, alongside other esteemed executive members including Nyuak Chairperson Hon. Deng Ajak Kaamic and the President of the Rotary Club of Juba Airport Thomas Micheal. Upon their arrival, they were warmly received by community leaders, church leaders, Mangalla Youth, and the general public at Highway Church, also known as Highway Three Church.

The event commenced with a prayer from Rev. Andrew Kon Deng and Rev. Moses Mawut Yak, who shared a message rooted in Psalm 84:1-4. The chairperson of Youth in Mangalla, Mr. Duot Deng Duot, delivered a welcoming speech to set the tone for the program.

The General Secretary of TEYA, Hon. John Deng Chieng, introduced the team to the attendees, emphasizing that the program falls under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Health in TEYA's leadership and the Rotary Club of Juba Airport.

The primary focus of this program, Health Education on Menstrual Hygiene & Distribution of Sanitary Towels, is to benefit young ladies and women in Mangalla. By providing them with these essential items, the program aims to empower them to maintain proper hygiene during their menstrual cycles. This initiative will undoubtedly contribute to their overall well-being and improve their hygienic practices.

Mabior kiir Kudior explained that Mangalla Camp was chosen specifically because they recognized the challenges faced by young ladies during menstruation. They aimed to provide guidance and support during this period, as they are aware of the difficulties many young women face. The initiative included the provision of sanitary pads, soaps, and other essential sanitary materials to address this issue.

Dr. Aguer Garang Bul, the head of the Health Committee in TEYA leadership, praised Hon. Arok Dut Arok for his exemplary governance and commitment to the community. He pledged to collaborate closely with TEYA to improve community health and raise awareness about the importance of good hygiene and sanitation practices. Through their joint efforts, the team of experts and community leaders aspire to create a positive impact on the overall health and well-being of the Mangalla IDPs Camp residents, particularly on menstrual hygiene management for women and young girls.

Mr. Thomas Micheal, the President of Rotary Club Juba Airport, highlighted the Rotary Club's role in educating people, particularly young women, about good hygiene practices. He mentioned that the Rotary Club also provides hygienic materials to support communities in this regard.

Mrs. Adut Mamer Ayach, The wise words of advice given by Mrs. Adut Mamer Ayach, the chairperson of Nyiir Cit Arialbeek, to the young ladies during the gathering are invaluable. Her encouragement for them to be brave, focus on helping others, and understand the importance of maintaining good hygiene during menstruation is empowering. Such guidance and support play a vital role in breaking the stigma and ensuring that young women can manage their menstrual health effectively. Once again, she applaud the efforts of TEYA, Rotary Club of Juba Airport, and all the individuals involved in this commendable initiative. Their dedication to promoting health education on menstrual hygiene and providing necessary supplies is making a positive difference in the lives of the women and girls in Mangalla IDPs Camp.

Hon. Atem Khot Majok, During the visit, Hon. Atem Khot Majok, the deputy chairperson of TEYA, expressed his pride in the girls of Mangalla and emphasized the importance of living in peace and harmony. He acknowledged the potential external threats faced by the community but reassured them that the team understood and supported their presence in Mangalla, as they themselves had been displaced from their homeland due to excessive water in Twi. In total, the team provided 280 sanitary pads, 60 gumboots, and 35 cartons of soaps to the beneficiaries. These items were distributed among different categories of groups within the camp, ensuring that the needs of various individuals were met. This initiative, organized by TEYA and supported by the Rotary Club of Juba Airport, demonstrates a commitment to health education on menstrual hygiene and a dedication to providing essential supplies to those in need. Through such collaborative efforts, communities can work towards improving the well-being and livelihoods of their members.

Mr. David Lual, The dedication and commitment of TEYA to the development of the Twic East community in Mangalla is highly appreciated, as stated by David Lual, the deputy president of Rotary Club Juba Airport. He pledged to contribute 100 sanitary pads and expressed that TEYA has collected funds to build a school in Mangalla, which will undoubtedly benefit the IDPs in the area.

Ms. Mary Abul Lueth, the women's representative in Mangalla, expressed gratitude for the visit and leadership shown by the team. She also requested assistance with Arialbeek uniforms, highlighting the challenges faced by the community. It is heartwarming to witness such collaborative efforts and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of individuals in need. The provision of essential items like sanitary pads, gumboots, soaps, and the future establishment of a school will contribute significantly to the welfare and well-being of the IDPs in Mangalla.

Mr. Yak Dhieu, chief representative of Mangalla appreciate the team for organizing the charitable initiative to distribute sanitary pads, gumboots, and soaps to the women and young girls in the area. It is heartening to see the Twic East Youth Association (TEYA) collaborating with the Rotary Club of Juba Airport to make a positive impact on the lives of the community members. We have taken note of your concerns and we have requests for further assistance. It is understood that we are in need of a health center to provide essential medical services to the community in Mangalla. Additionally, he emphasize the importance of education and request the construction of schools to ensure that the children can continue their education.

Furthermore, he acknowledge the recommendation to provide young people with suitable shoes instead of gumboots. He concerns regarding the threats faced by the community from external factors are noted, and the team understand the need for improved security measures. The shortage of food in Mangalla is a matter of great importance, and they will explore ways to address this issue as well said Yak Dhieu. While we recognize the challenges faced by the teachers in resuming their work, he request the leadership of Arok Dut to make efforts to support and facilitate their return to the classrooms. The goal is to create an environment where learning can flourish and the youth can have access to quality education. The concerns and requests that he has raised are significant, and he assure the team that they will conscientiously work towards meeting TEYA, and Collaboration between TEYA, the Rotary Club of Juba Airport, and other relevant stakeholders will be crucial in addressing these challenges effectively. By joining hands, we can make a difference and improve the lives of the community in Mangalla.

During the distribution, Mayendit Mayuon, the acting Foremost Chief in Mangalla, expressed his gratitude to the team and recognized them as the real seed of Pan Twic. He specifically appreciated TEYA's leadership for providing free soaps, which is a first in the history of the Mangalla community. Mayendit also commended Hon. Arok Dut Arok, acknowledging his hard work in a short span of time. He encouraged the youth to unite and work towards achieving the goals of the community.

Deng Dau Juac, a team member, praised Hon. Arok Dut Arok for delegating powers to many sons and daughters of Twic to contribute to the progress of the community. He highlighted that the current health committee, headed by Dr. Aguer Garang Bul, is responsible for overseeing today's charitable work. Deng Dau Juac also acknowledged the prevailing insecurity both in Mangalla and their home, emphasizing that Hon. Arok Dut Arok remains committed to addressing the concerns of the community, including the provision of Arialbeek uniforms for Mangalla women and ladies.

Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge the distinct identity of the Twic East people. Hon. Deng Ajak Kaamic emphasizes that the Twic people should not be mistaken for the Bor people. They are proud of their Twic East heritage and wish to be recognized as such. This distinction highlights the cultural diversity and richness of the region. This collaboration between TEYA, the Rotary Club, and the community leaders exemplifies the importance of humanitarian work and the positive impact it can have on the lives of those in need.

Hon. Arok Dut Arok, the chairman of TEYA in Juba. The chairman expressed his appreciation for the presence of the general public at this significant event. He also conveyed his apologies for any inconveniences caused by the poor communication channels that might have hindered the timely dissemination of information. The purpose of this visit to Mangalla was to address an urgent matter. The TEYA office has been operational for less than three months, and during this time, they have developed a series of planned programs. These programs were announced in the previous general assembly meeting held on the 26th of August 2023 in Juba. One of the main focuses of TEYA is to bring the snake vaccine to the community. Efforts are being made to ensure that this becomes a reality. Additionally, the chairman emphasized the need for the community to be well-informed about education, wrestling, and the culture and norms of Twic East Community. To facilitate this, a committee led by Simon Yak Deng has been established to collect relevant data. TEYA also aims to support its members in enhancing their capabilities by introducing vocational training courses. In line with this objective, they have already sponsored approximately 60 students to undertake various courses at the MTC vocational center in Juba. The chairman reiterated TEYA's commitment to supporting and uplifting the Twic East community in various aspects. It is their desire to collaborate and work together towards the betterment of the community.

Improving the health of the people in Mangalla is a priority for us, and we will work tirelessly towards this goal. We have taken note of the request for uniforms from the women, and we will assist in providing them as desired. Regarding the issue of insecurity, we will do our utmost to address and alleviate it. However, it is important to note that if our efforts to improve security fall short, it should not be attributed to any lack of commitment on the part of TEYA, as our organization is currently limited in resources.

We believe that progress can only be achieved in an atmosphere of peace. If we can maintain peace within the community, TEYA and the Mangalla leadership can work hand in hand to drive development initiatives forward. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation for the leadership of the Mangalla Community for their warm reception of our team.

Hon. Arok Dut Arok, the chairman of TEYA, Juba, would like to express his gratitude for the presence and participation of the general public at this important event. He would also like to apologize for any communication challenges that may have resulted in a delayed dissemination of information.

The purpose of this emergency visit to Mangalla is of significant importance. Having assumed office for less than three months, TEYA has already laid out a series of programs. These programs were formally announced during the last general assembly meeting held on August 26th, 2023.

One of the key goals of TEYA is to ensure the provision of snake vaccines. Efforts are currently underway to facilitate the availability of this vaccine to the community. Hon. Arok Dut Arok emphasizes the importance of developing a comprehensive understanding of education, wrestling, culture, and norms within the Twic community. To achieve this, a committee led by Simon Yak Deng has been established to collect relevant data and information in these areas.

TEYA is also committed to enhancing the capacities of its members. As part of this commitment, vocational training courses are being introduced, with a focus on monitoring the progress and capabilities of TEYA members. It is worth noting that TEYA has already sponsored approximately 60 students for various courses at the MTC vocational center in Juba.

Furthermore, Hon. Arok Dut Arok stresses the importance of self-support within the Twic community. By promoting education, vocational training, and cultural awareness, TEYA aims to empower and uplift its community members.

The meeting concluded with a prayer led by Rev. Moses Mawut Yak. The attendance of numerous women and young ladies was acknowledged and appreciated, with their representatives expressing their support and admiration for the leadership of TEYA.

Article by Daniel Machar Dhieu
TEYA Writer & Content Creator

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