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TEYA Leadership Commences Delegation to Twic East County.

The TEYA leadership team or delegation to Twic East County commenced today 28th November 2023 at 11:00 am. The team arrived in Panyagoor at 12:04 pm, where they were warmly received by the acting commissioner, Hon. Elijah Manyok Ayiei Thiong, at the Twic East County Headquarters Office. This marks the beginning of their important mission to provide assistance and support to the affected population in the area.

The team was led by TEYA chairman Hon. Arok Dut Arok and included members of the health commission of TEYA, Dr. Aguer Garang Bul and Dut Abraham Manyang. Additionally, executive members such as John Deng Chieng, Secretary General of TEYA, Dr. Mabior Kiir, Secretary of Health, Thon Chol Malual, Secretary of Public Relations, Lueth Mading Aleu, Secretary of Gender, and Daniel Machar Dhieu from the Department of Information were also part of the team. Two media houses, Liberty Media and SSBC, were also involved in the project mission.

The TEYA team had an important mission when they visited Twic East County. Their main agenda was to provide assistance to the population affected by the flooding in the area. The team came prepared with a range of medical supplies, including drugs for Malaria, Typhoid, snake bites, bacterial infections, and other necessary materials such as sanitary pads, mosquito nets, soaps, and vaccines. Additionally, they brought along other forms of medical assistance to aid the affected population. The introduction of the TEYA team to the county leadership was carried out by the Secretary of TEYA, ensuring a smooth start to their efforts.

As the program proceeds, Ms. Chairlady Adut Mamer Ayach of Nyir cit Arialbeek officially assured the people of Twic East County that the community in Juba stands with them and they are proud of you as our people here at home. All our people in Juba as well as in Diaspora pledge their unwavering support in every possible way to support you, we will therefore continue reporting to them.

Dr. Aguer Garang Bul, the head of the health committee in TEYA, echoes this sentiment and promises to continue supporting the hospital in the county

Dr. Mabior Kiir, the Secretary of Health in TEYA leadership, personally commits to advocating for support from the National Ministry of Health of South Sudan. He emphasizes the importance of civic education, particularly for women and girls, on maintaining good hygiene practices. Together, they aim to ensure that the voices and needs of the people are heard and addressed.

Ms. Aluat Bul Khoc, the county women representative, is appealing to the TEYA leadership to prioritize the well-being of the people. She acknowledges and appreciates TEYA for their love and support to the community through the donation of drugs.

Peter Deng Maluil, the Deputy Chairperson of the county youth, has also made a request to the TEYA leadership. He is urging them to consider installing a Radio Station for effective communication within the community. Additionally, he suggests having security cameras to enhance the security setup for the benefit of the youth.

William Mabior Atem, the County Youth Chairperson, highlights that Panyagoor, our County Headquarters, is a well-populated area with a significant youth population. Unfortunately, many of these young people do not have productive activities to engage in. In light of this, we kindly request the establishment of a vocational training center to provide skills and opportunities for our youth.

Additionally, Mabior Atem appeals to TEYA to collaborate with them in Panyagoor. Together, we can work towards the betterment of our community and empower our youth. Furthermore, Mabior Atem seeks assistance in renovating the youth office in our county. This support would greatly enhance our capacity to serve the youth effectively.

Lastly, Mabior Atem urges the leadership of TEYA to encourage people to return to our county, highlighting the abundance of food available. By promoting this message, we can attract individuals back to our community and foster growth and prosperity for all.

The team doctors at Twic East County Hospital is appealing to TEYA leadership, especially Chairman Arok Dut Arok, to lobby for help. They have identified several pressing issues that require immediate attention. These include the lack of medical facilities and inadequate supply of drugs. Additionally, there is a shortage of doctors, which needs to be addressed urgently. The team is requesting Chairman Arok to collaborate with the state government and the national government to support the Panyagor hospital. They believe that by working together, they can address these challenges and ensure that the necessary measures are put in place to improve healthcare in the region.

Hon. Arok Dut Arok, the TEYA Chairperson, expresses his appreciation for the gathering and extends a warm welcome to everyone. He was delighted to be there, as this is our homeland and we, as sons and daughters of this land, have been here before. He emphasizes that his leadership is working diligently to control flooding in the area.

Arok also announces that the program of dye will resume on December 4, 2023. Furthermore, there are plans in place to provide vocational education to our children. Courses such as tailoring, engineering, lumbering, electricity, bricklaying, bakery, welding, computer studies and machine repairing will be offered.

TEYA is committed to building a Vocational School, and the committee is hopeful that it will be visible by next year. Arok also requests the youth of Panyagoor to participate in the construction of the Youth Office by laying blocks or bricks. TEYA in Juba will be supporting this initiative by providing cement, iron sheets, doors, and glasses.

Hon. Elijah Manyok Ayiei Thiong, the acting Commissioner, expresses his sincere appreciation to the team from TEYA for their visit. He highly commends and recommends that the county administration will fully collaborate and work hand in hand with the leadership of TEYA. During the visit, the acting Commissioner highlighted several critical issues that the county is currently facing. These include insecurity, lack of medical equipment, frequent flooding, inadequate number of doctors, insufficient hospital facilities, shortage of rooms for patients, and a lack of qualified teachers resulting in a compromised quality of education due to insufficient payment for teachers.

The mission concluded successfully as TEYA delivered all the necessary items to the doctors, as witnessed by the County acting commissioner and the local population. The occasion was attended by over 500 people, and the program concluded at 3:25 pm. TEYA departed from Panyagoor at 3:38 pm and arrived in Juba at 4:37 pm local time.

By Daniel Machar Dhieu
TEYA Writer & Content Creator

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