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The inauguration of TEYA leadership of Nimule took place on April 13th, 2024, at River Bank Primary School in Nimule.

The event was attended by various notable individuals, including the former Governor of Jonglei state and General Secretary of Twic East Community Association (TECA), Hon Philip Aguer Panyang. Atem Khot Majok, also known as Atem Pap, the Deputy Chairman of Twic East Youth Association in Juba (TEYA), was also present.

The function was graced by Abit Mayendit as the guest of honor, with Ajak Garang Ajak serving as the chief guest. Kongor Garang, the Patron of the day, and other invited guests, including the youth leadership of Bor County and Duk County, were also in attendance. All communities in Nimule showed great support, and the inauguration was well-organized, generating much excitement among the attendees.

The Independent Electoral Committee (IEC), led by Garang Maketh, justified the presence of three leaderships during the inauguration. These included the Twic East Youth Association in Nimule led by Joseph Deng Garang, the Twic East Women Association in Nimule led by Anyieth Apiu, and the Nyan Cit Arialbeek leadership in Nimule led by Awaak Abit.

Counsel Thon Malual presided over the inauguration, overseeing the smooth transfer of power from the former chairman, Kiir Agook, to Joseph Deng Garang. The community witnessed this transition, ensuring a transparent process.

During the event, Atem Khot, the deputy chairman of TEYA Juba, publicly announced that Twic East Community has officially withdrawn from the Greater Bor Association. He pledged support for the incoming leadership of Joseph Deng Garang and expressed appreciation for the other candidate, John Mading Yak, who did not win the election. Atem Khot encouraged Yak to work closely with the TEYA leadership, particularly Philip Aguer Panyang, the former Governor of Jonglei state and General Secretary of the TECA Juba.

Philip Aguer Panyang dismissed the existence of the Greater Bor Community Association and emphasized the importance of coexistence among the three communities of Duk, Twic East, and Bor County.

The residents of Nimule, especially the members of Twic East Community Association living in Nimule, presented numerous gifts to the guests. The function concluded with an excellent performance by guest artist Atem Bior Atem, also known as Atem Aduldul.

By Daniel Machar Dhieu
TEYA Writer & Content Creator

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