The leadership of TEYA-Juba, under the guidance of Arok Dut Arok and his executives, has made a significant contribution to enhance accessibility in Twic East County. In support of the recent Twi global conference held in Panyagor, TEYA-Juba has generously donated 3 motor bikes-TVS and hired 4 vehicles, consisting of 2 Toyota pickups and 2 trucks.
These vehicles have been provided to the Assessment committee by TEYA-Juba's leadership. The aim is to facilitate transportation and ensure easier access for the committee members as they carry out their duties in Twic East County. This initiative reflects TEYA-Juba's dedication to the successful implementation of the Twi global conference outcomes.
Moreover, the decision for resettlement in Eastland by the Twic people or county aligns with the principles outlined in the UNESCO convention on Rural Development Act (No. 18 of 2017). This Act establishes regulations that contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas by promoting stronger competition in sectors such as rural development, agriculture, food, and forestry.
Furthermore, under the Rural Development Act, special emphasis is placed on the resettlement of individuals affected by flooding. In the case of Twic East County, the priority is to relocate the affected population to areas within the territory of Twic Land, such as groups which were sentle in Mangalla and Guolyar, in other region. Twic has agreed to make resentlemen in the Eastland region within Twic.
This initiative underscores the commitment of the Twic East Community to implement the provisions of the Rural Development Act and ensure the well-being of its residents.
The generous contribution of TEYA-Juba's leadership, through the provision of motor bikes and vehicles, will undoubtedly facilitate the work of the Assessment committee and contribute to the successful implementation of the Twic global conference outcomes. The support provided by TEYA-Juba aligns with the sustainable development goals outlined in the Rural Development Act and reflects the commitment of the Twic East Community to the welfare of its residents.
By Daniel Machar Dhieu
TEYA Writer & Content Creator
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